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Gym Update! Alert Level 2

If you didn't already hear... WE CAN OPEN OUR DOORS ON THURSDAY! 🏋️‍♀️🙌😄💙 And we couldn't be more excited to see you all!   We want to make sure that our clubs are as safe and as comfortable  as they can be for every single person during this time! Therefore we have put a few measures in place to make sure our teams and members are well looked after 😊  Here is everything you need to know about visiting Fitzone in level 2  All visits to our clubs will need to be pre booked. This is super easy and is done by simply calling your local club.  Until we actually have staff members back in the club on Thursday, all bookings will need to be through Crystal on 027 925 6019.   Bookings are in hour slots. The first 45 minutes is allocated training time, and the last 15 minutes is for our team to wipe down every piece of equipment before the next group of members enter the gym. Our Matamata and Te Aroha clubs can allow for 10 members per hour, and Paeroa for 5. If you have a personal training session booked, you do not need to call to book. Our trainers will sort these bookings with us 😊  Our opening hours for the time being will be 6.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. across all clubs. We unfortunately are not able to offer 24 hour access at this current time. There will also be allocated entry and exit doors at each club to avoid any clusters of people, and we will have marked spots on the ground for where you can stand before entering any of the clubs.  When you are visiting any club, you must swipe in, you must bring a sweat towel, you must stay 2 metres away from other members at all times and you must wipe down every piece of equipment you have used with our provided antibacterial wipes, after use.  This is all new for us and we are trying to do as best we can to make it work for everyone! 💙 All of these measures are temporary, depending on circumstances and could change or be updated at any time. We are simply trialing for now 😊  BRING ON THURSDAY!!! 💙💙💙


We can't wait!!!

We want to make sure that our clubs are as safe and comfortable as possible, so due to Health regulations here is everything you need to know about visiting Fitzone in level 2: All visits to our clubs will need to be pre booked. This is super easy and is done by simply calling your local club. Until we actually have staff members back in the club on Thursday, all bookings will need to be through Crystal on 027 925 6019. Bookings are 60 minutes. The first 45 minutes is allocated training time, and the last 15 minutes is for our team to wipe down every piece of equipment before the next group of members enter the gym. This means that there is never more than 11 people in one group at at a time (including the staff member), and we can track and trace our members based on these groups.

Our Matamata and Te Aroha clubs can allow for 10 members per hour, and Paeroa for 5. This is how many people we feel we can have in each club whilst still being able to practise social distancing.

If you have a personal training session booked, you do not need to call to book. Our trainers will sort these bookings with us for you :)Our opening hours for the time being will be 6.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Monday- Friday, and 8.00 a.m.- 12.00 p.m. on Saturday across all clubs Our opening hours for the time being will be 6.00 a.m. - 6.00 p.m. Monday- Friday, and 8.00 a.m.- 12.00 p.m. on Saturday across all clubs. We unfortunately are not able to offer 24 hour access at this current time. There will also be allocated entry and exit doors at each club to avoid any clusters of people, and we will have marked spots on the ground for where you can stand before entering any of the clubs. This is to ensure that everyone is practicing social distancing whilst waiting to enter the gym. This is all new for us and we are trying to do as best we can to make it work for everyone! All of these measures are temporary, depending on circumstances and could change or be updated at any time. We are simply trialing for now.

Bring on Thursday!

ngā mihi,

The Fitzone Team

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