Fitzone Four Week Challenge
What will your registration
day timeslot look like?
Info on the challenge Q and A on how it all works and HOW TO WIN!!
Fitzone Body Scan. (This is a great way to watch your body transform in 4 weeks).
A full in depth analysis on your scan
Fitness Testing!!!!
Goal Setting
Please read the scanning conditions to get the most accurate scan possible.
More information to come on Registration day! Please also scroll down for what to do before your booking
Please call us at your local club if you have any questions before your booking!
Matamata 07 880 9088, Te Aroha 07 884 4477,
Paeroa 07 862 6444, Waihi 07 863 3077
Please join Fitzone Tribe- our private Facebook group for everyone on the challenge!

To Do Before Your Booking
Register on the Evolt Active app (only if you haven't already)
Download "Evolt Active"
Sign up, Create an account
Fill in all of the details, answer all of the questions
Verify your email (the app will say when)
You're good to go for your scan!!!